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Training Opportunities

Our training program provides generalist training in a university counseling center setting.  我们支持学员追求更具体或专业的临床经验 under the supervision of our experienced staff.  Trainees are also given the opportunity to implement new ideas within our center and on campus with the support and encouragement of our senior staff.  我们努力提供挑战和支持的完美平衡 培养每个学员的优势、自我意识和成长. Our program is ideal for applicants looking to pursue careers in university counseling centers, 社区心理健康以及其他各种环境.

 We offer several training opportunities for graduate students in Counseling Psychology and Clinical Psychology programs of study.  Learn more below about what to expect 在我们的培训场地和我们提供的培训机会. Be sure to check out our staff page to read more about our team.

  • About Our Site

    The University of Northern Colorado Counseling Center is a training site for Master’s level Counseling interns from CACREP-accredited programs and an APA-accredited training 博士水平的学生和实习生计划.  We are a small, fast-paced center with approximately 10 full-time senior staff, all of whom contribute to training through their various roles.  我们提供各种培训经验,包括 triage and emergency services, individual, group, and couples therapy, special interest 临床经验,咨询,外展,监督和评估. 

    我们的员工致力于提供全面和多样化的培训经验.  实习生可以期望在上面列出的大部分或所有领域获得经验.  While trainees are expected to address a wide range of presenting concerns and provide services to diverse populations, they are also encouraged and supported in gaining clinical experiences in special interest areas of their choice including working with specific populations (e.g. LGBTQ+社区),具体的呈现问题(例如.g. eating disorders), or specific modalities (e.g. couples therapy).  You can read about the experiences and specialties of our staff to give you an idea of potential special interest areas that we could offer and available supervisors.  培训主任将与实习生一起确定他们的特殊兴趣 根据主管的可用性和中心的需求来确定焦点.

    Many of our students have experienced significant life trauma and stressors associated with intersecting marginalized identities.  Because students are at varying points in the process of recovery and healing, interns have numerous opportunities to work with clients who are able to function well while they work on fairly serious therapy issues within a brief therapy model.  我们的学生普遍关心的其他问题 include stress/anxiety, mood disorders, relationship issues, eating disorders, sexual concerns, substance use, family issues, psychoses, multicultural identity development, 悲伤和失去,性侵犯或虐待,以及与个性有关的问题.

    One of our strengths as a center is that several of our staff members serve as embedded 与学校各部门的联系,包括 Athletics, Center for Human Enrichment (CHE), Center for Women’s and Gender Equity (CWGE), Cultural Services (Asian Pacific American Student Services, César Chávez Cultural Center, Marcus Garvey Cultural Center, and Native American Student Services), Gender & Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC), and Housing & Residential Education (HRE). These liaisonships provide support, consultation, and clinical services to the staff and students of these centers/programs.  Through these partnerships, we offer qualified doctoral interns a unique opportunity to dedicate several hours a week at one of these 在联络员的监督下担任校园顾问 of that center.  实习生将在现场获得以下经验:

    • 个人、夫妻和紧急服务,以及共同促进团体.
    • 为学生和专业人员提供支持、咨询和培训.
    • Developing and implementing outreach presentations and events regarding salient topics to these communities.  
    • Proposing projects, services, or interventions based on the need of communities and interest of the intern.
  • Our Philosophy

    咨询中心的所有项目和服务,包括培训,都是基于 一种肯定所有人的尊严的哲学. The Center values pluralism and the opportunity for cross-cultural interactions within the campus community in order 为全体学生、教职员工改善教育环境.

    我们认识到,没有人可以不受各种形式的偏见和偏见的影响. We expect 教职员及学员须恪守尊重多元化的社会价值观; inclusion and equity. 培训者和受训者都应表现出意愿 to examine their own assumptions, behaviors, and values so that they may work effectively with “cultural, individual, and role differences, including those based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, 残疾、语言和社会经济地位”(APA伦理准则,2002年,原则) E).

  • Culture

    我们的中心有一个小中心的感觉,你可能会了解我们所有人.  The atmosphere is open, warm, supportive, and you will always find an open door when you need it.  作为一名员工,我们以团队为导向,重视合作-我们努力拥有 each other’s back.  作为一个团队,当我们中的一个人出局时,我们会介入以确保 nothing falls through the cracks.  团队成员也在互相支持的时候 personal and professional challenges occur. 

    Staff and trainees alike are given the opportunity to pursue their strengths through 临床工作,特殊项目,行政任务,以及我们的培训计划.  我们在中心的每个角色都是独一无二的——他们突出并充分利用了这一点 our individual strengths.  作为一个团队,我们都非常敬业 对学生、我们的客户、培训和我们的工作.  Not only are we hard working, 但我们也喜欢和别人一起欢笑.  The collective spirit 是快乐的,我们经常通过共同的兴趣和共同的经历联系在一起.  We also enjoy a good potluck from time to time!

    以下是我们的学员提供的一些反馈,以说明 我们的培训项目和整个中心的文化:

    “Perfect balance between autonomy and support.”

    “当员工意识到我需要额外的支持时,我真的很感激 与我合作,我们共同制定目标,提高我的技能.”

    “I really felt like a part of the team.  培训人员表彰和示范自我保健 并鼓励有抱负的临床医生在需要的时候休息.”


    “The freedom to manage my own caseload/schedule, provide supervision, co-lead skills groups, develop liaison relationships, etc. has increased my confidence significantly 极大地鼓励了我的职业发展.”

  • About UNC

    The University of Northern Colorado is located in Greeley, Colorado and is home to over 13,000 students.  博天堂官方的根基在于教育领域,培养教育工作者 for Colorado schools since 1890.  这种传统在今天的大多数学生中仍然存在 enrolled in Science Licensure programs and the largest contributor to teacher employment in the state.  学生还可以从200多个学位课程中进行选择 five colleges. 这所大学提供大大学加小大学的教育 班级规模和步行校园的便利. Learn more about the UNC campus.

    About 40% of UNC undergraduates are the first in their family to go to college and 超过四分之一的学生有资格获得基于需求的联邦财政援助. While UNC is considered a PWI (Predominately White Institution), more than one-quarter of students identify as students of color and the university is well on the way to becoming an HSI(西班牙裔服务机构)在接下来的几年里.  了解更多博天堂官方网站博天堂官方的学生人口统计信息.

    Greeley is located in northern Colorado, about 49 miles northeast of Denver and 25 miles east of the Rocky Mountains.  这是一个安静而繁荣的城市,大约有93,000人 这里平均每年有244个晴天.  Greeley offers easy access to outdoor recreational activities year round including winter sports, hiking, 皮划艇、漂流、骑自行车、划桨和露营.  Skiers can enjoy the winter 在这个州的26个滑雪胜地的任何一个季节.  Don’t have the equipment for these activities?  One perk of UNC is Outdoor Pursuits, which offers free gear and equipment rental, as well as discounted lift tickets, 给那些与大学有关联的人.

  • Are we a good fit?

    The training year requires a great deal of self-reflection, vulnerability, flexibility, and openness to learning and new experiences, and it is essential that our trainees embody these qualities.  Trainees who thrive here are those who are deeply committed to continuing their multicultural training and building awareness of their social identities, and are committed to practices of equity and inclusion.  团队合作精神和积极主动也是必须的.  Our center is fast-paced and requires trainees to demonstrate adaptability to the needs of clients, the team, and the broader UNC community. 在我们网站上取得成功的学员往往是这样的人 who lean into their growth areas regardless of their background and training experiences, those who are able to take in direct, constructive feedback with appropriate support, and are open to learning and challenging themselves to grow beyond what is familiar or comfortable.  有大学辅导实习经验者 centers or experience working with college populations and have transferable skills and experiences (e.g. 危机干预,简短治疗,外展,监督,小组 治疗,创伤护理,与服务不足的人群合作,与新兴市场合作 adults) are more likely to be successful and adapt more seamlessly to the training experience.  请注意,通过以下途径获得咨询服务的学生 the UNC Counseling Center will not be eligible for training positions at our center.

We are looking for motivated, enthusiastic, personable, self-aware practicum students 在即将到来的学年中加入我们的实习生!  Are you ready to join our team? 

Advanced Practicum

These placements are designed for doctoral students in regional institutions who are 除了最初的培训阶段和临床经验.

Prac II and Master's Internship

我们的网站为UNCO的学生提供实习II的实习机会. Our Prac II and Master's Internship positions are designed to assist counselors to develop and hone their skills in clinical interventions commonly used in a University Counseling Center or similar mental health settings.

Doctoral Internship

We offer three positions in our APA-Accredited Doctoral Internship Program in Health 博天堂官方咨询中心的服务心理学.