

Our in-house team provides 营销与传播 support specifically for units and stakeholders within the 多元化,公平部门 and Inclusion.



Welcome to the 创意设计中心: Where Innovation Meets Inclusion!

At the 创意设计中心, we are more than just a creative team - we are advocates 多样性、公平和包容(DEI). Through the lens of DEI, we craft marketing strategies that not only deliver results but also promote a sense of belonging and 表示. Our commitment to embracing diversity in all its forms ensures that every campaign we create is inclusive, respectful, and celebrates the unique voices 我们充满活力的社区.

We recognize the vital importance of DEI in shaping a more inclusive campus culture. By incorporating DEI principles into our work, we foster an environment where every 学生感到被关注、被倾听和被重视. This not only strengthens our community but also enhances the effectiveness of marketing efforts by resonating with a diverse 观众.


How we work together with Marketing and 通信

As part of the university's extended campus communicators network, we work hand-in-hand with central Marketing and 通信 team to ensure every message, visual and 观众 experience supports and advances UNC's mission, brand and strategic priorities. To connect with central Marketing and 通信 on a 项目, visit their website 提交请求.


"Design is not just about making things look beautiful; it's about reflecting the 多样的人性织锦." - Dr. Maya Angelou 



拥抱设计的多样性! We craft innovative solutions with varied perspectives, transcending boundaries to unleash limitless creativity.


Our team celebrates diversity, capturing cherished moments that reflect the richness 你的社区.


We amplify underrepresented voices, crafting narratives that foster understanding 建立积极的联系.

提供的服务:撰写博天堂官方网站稿 (in collaboration with UNC News and Public Relations) |叙事特色故事



We foster inclusivity online with user-friendly websites and emails that cater to 多样化的需求和经验.


拥抱包容性和多样性! Our tailored social media plans ensure your unique voice reaches and engages 观众s from all backgrounds.

Services Offered: 1-on-1 Consultation | 社交媒体 Audit | 社交媒体 Campaign Support (includes writing, engagement boosting, auditing) 


不知道从哪里开始? 接触!

Contact the 创意设计中心 Lead today if you’re unsure about your exact needs. We will start by conducting a discovery call to create a creative brief to guide your 项目.



Welcome to the "I am DEI" campaign, where we celebrate and amplify the diverse, equitable, and inclusive community 在北科罗拉多大学任教 (UNC). DEI代表 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and this campaign aims to raise awareness about the incredible work and initiatives happening on our campus. 通过引人入胜的内容 and powerful stories, we will showcase the meaningful impact of DEI efforts on our 学生、教师、员工和社区.

"I am DEI" is not just a campaign, it is a collective commitment to creating a university 每个人都能茁壮成长的环境. 通过强有力的讲故事,引人入胜 content, and meaningful initiatives, we will champion diversity, equity and inclusion 在北科罗拉多大学任教. Let us stand together, united under the banner of DEI, to build a brighter and more inclusive future for all. 

"I am DEI" is more than just a campaign, it's a movement. 我们的目的是培养 a campus culture that values and embraces diversity in all its forms, ensures equitable opportunities for every member of our community, and creates an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and respected. 通过突出DEI的工作 at UNC, we strive to inspire positive change and unite our community under the shared 展望更加包容的未来.

We invite every member of the UNC community to participate in the "I am DEI" campaign 成为变革的使者. Your involvement will not only contribute to a more inclusive campus, but will also help build lasting connections and friendships 跨越不同的背景. Together, we can strengthen our commitment to DEI and create a university experience that empowers and uplifts all.

视频系列: Produce a series of short documentary-style videos that feature personal stories of students, faculty, and staff who have experienced the transformative power of DEI 博天堂官方的举措. 的se videos will showcase the richness of our diverse community and how DEI has positively impacted their lives.

社交媒体活动: Launch an engaging social media campaign with the hashtag # IAmDEI, encouraging students, faculty, staff and alumni to share their experiences and support DEI计划. This campaign will spread awareness beyond the campus borders 并扩大包容的信息.

统一系列 gives the UNC community the opportunity to begin or continue conversations in relation to diversity, equity and inclusion across a broad range of identities. 校园社区 members can learn how they can engage with the 团结起来 program by checking out the Faculty/Staff 及学生工作坊.