

成本 associated with locating and securing new employees will be funded from a centralized budget monitored by the Human 资源 Department. 联络执行主任 人力资源 to have a Dean or AVP set up with signature authority during the 搜索.

  • 广告

    Each position is automatically posted on "higheredjobs.在招聘文书工作结束后 is submitted to People Admin and is paid through a central budget.

    If a department would like to do additional advertising (i.e. 专业期刊, other websites), the amount shall not exceed $500 for each 搜索 position. 任何数量 exceeding $500 requires the approval of the Executive Director 人力资源.

    PCards will be the official means for paying for additional advertising costs. 请注意 the college area and position number in the transaction description in the Wells Fargo 重新分配的网站. Charge all other 广告 expenses to 10000-54014-72139-6000. When units reallocate their PCards to the FOAP, they will need to get the area's Dean or AVP to sign off on the PCard statement as the FOAP approver.

  • 直接招聘费用

    直接招聘费用 include meeting, interviewing and travel costs associated 把候选人带进校园. The direct recruitment costs shall not exceed $3,000 per faculty 搜索 and $2,500 for exempt 搜索 (this is in addition to the 广告预算). 任何数量s in excess require approval by the Executive Director 人力资源.

  • 过程
    • 完成一个UNC 餐饮及酒类审批 form and acquire appropriate approval by an Authorized Official Function Representative, the Executive Director 人力资源 and the unit Dean or AVP. 如果成本是预期的 to exceed $3,000 for a faculty 搜索 or $2,500 for an exempt 搜索, the form will require additional approval from the Executive Director 人力资源.
        • 使用FOAP 10000-54014- 3xxx -6000 on the form
        • Utilize unit PCard for related incidental expenses including meals while meeting and 面试候选人.
    • 完成一个 旅行授权 form for each candidate traveling to UNC and ensure that expected costs do not exceed 候选人的限制.
        • 使用FOAP 10000-54014- 3xxx -6000 on the form
        • Have the unit Dean or AVP sign the 旅行授权.
    • 让候选人完成一份 W-9纳税人身份证号申请 form in order for them to receive travel reimbursement after their campus visit.

    • Candidates personally incurring expenses must complete the 旅费 form and provide original receipts with the exception of meals. 餐费将报销 按联合国军司令部每日费率计算. Such requests should be completed within 45 days after 校园参观. The 旅费 form, along with the original receipts, should be submitted to the department posting the position.
        • 使用FOAP 10000-54014- 3xxx -6000
        • Hiring department Dean or AVP should approve the 旅费 form and submit documents to 应付账款 department.
        • Candidates should receive reimbursement of travel expenses within two weeks of submitting 适当的文档. If reimbursement has not be received, candidate should 直接联系招聘部门.


成本 associated with relocating a new UNC employee will be funded from a centralized budget monitored by the Human 资源 Department. 任何预计超过的金额 $2,500 will require pre-approval by the appropriate vice president. 所有搬家费用 reimbursements shall be clearly stated 在雇佣信中.