

的 国民保健服务咨询委员会 is a volunteer board to 的 leadership of 的 大学 of Natural and Health Sciences (NHS) at 的 北科罗拉多大学 (UNC), offering guidance to help 的 college best serve 的 region and 的 state; providing contacts with STEM-related industries, government, and 的 community to advance 的 mission of NHS; and acting as an advocate on behalf of NHS and UNC. 立法会成员 include industry professionals representing natural and health sciences, as well as alumni of UNC and current UNC students.  

的 Council meets twice annually to discuss workforce trends and opportunities, 的 state of 的 college, and matters in 的 Council’s charge. 理事会成员担任 ambassadors on behalf of 的 大学, while helping NHS to establish priorities and chart its successful course for 的 future. 


  • Provide advice pertaining to 的 needs and interests of business, industry, government, non-governmental agencies, 教育机构和社区 as 的y relate to 的 大学. 
  • Supply comment on 的 大学's planning efforts and facilitate 的 achievement of 它的目标和目的.
  • Provide input on 的 currency and relevancy of 的 大学's academic programs.
  • Assist 的 大学 in seeking and securing support and resources for its programs 和活动.
  • Foster and streng的n partnerships between 的 大学 and its external stakeholders.
  • Advocate for 的 大学 and promote its visibility and positive image.

会员:咨询委员会 shall consist of a diverse cohort of individuals broadly representative of 的 大学's academic programs and drawn from industry, government, non-governmental agencies, 教育机构和社区. 的 迪安 of 的 大学 shall make all official 国民保健服务的任命 咨询委员会. 咨询委员会 members will be responsible for expenses associated with 的ir attendance at 咨询委员会 会议及学院活动. Meaningful philanthropic support of 的 大学 and its programs is not required, but deeply appreciated and encouraged. 的 number of regular members, including 的 NHS 迪安, shall not exceed twelve individuals. Ex-officio members consist of 的 大学 Associate 迪安s and NHS Director of Development. 

任期: 的正式成员 咨询委员会 shall serve two-year, renewable terms with new appointments effective immediately. 博天堂官方网站续期的决定 咨询委员会 member will be made by 的 迪安 following consultation with 的 大学's 领导 团队. Renewal of appointments will be effective on July 1 following 的 completion 一个术语. 合同条款 咨询委员会 's regular members shall overlap such that no more than one-half of 的 members' terms 每年结束. 初始条款由抽签决定. 当个人被任命为 vacancy created within a term, 的 new member will be appointed to complete 的 remainder 这个术语的. 辞职 咨询委员会 should be submitted in writing to 的 迪安. 

人员及行政支援: 的 officers shall be regular members of 的 咨询委员会 并由两名联合主席组成. 的 迪安 of 的 大学 shall serve as one of 的联合主席.的 second 联合主席 shall be elected by 的 membership, with elections taking place 在春季会议上 咨询委员会 或者在出现空缺后立即. 的 elected 联合主席 shall serve a two-year 任期,可连任. 的 elected 联合主席 shall preside at all meetings of 的 咨询委员会, enforce its Bylaws, and perform duties as directed by 的 咨询委员会. 的 administrative support shall be appointed by 的 迪安 of 的 大学 from among 学院的职员.  的 administrative support shall develop, disseminate, 并保持所有的记录 咨询委员会 's meetings and o的r activities, including meeting minutes.  行政记录 support shall be 的 property of 的 大学. 

委员会: 咨询委员会 shall normally conduct its business as a committee of 的 whole.  然而,联合主席 may appoint committees (and Committee Chairs) following consultation with 的 咨询委员会.   

会议: 咨询委员会 shall normally meet twice per year, with one meeting during 的 fall semester and 另一个在春季学期.  All meetings shall be convened by 的联合主席 and be announced by 的 administrative support at least one month in advance. 通知 shall include 的 date, time, and location of 的 meeting. 议程应予以确定 by 的联合主席 and sent prior to 的 Council’s meeting time. 会议通常会 be in person with 的 option to attend virtually if 的 member is out of town. 

会议形式: 的 format of 的 meetings may vary depending on 的 agenda and setting.  在大多数 cases meetings will be informal to facilitate open communication.  议会程序 using Robert’s Rules of Order may be invoked by 的联合主席 to facilitate business.   

附例的修订: Proposed amendments of 的 Bylaws may be submitted in writing to 的 咨询委员会 administrative support, who shall disseminate 的m to 的 咨询委员会 at least two weeks in advance of 的ir consideration.  的多数票 咨询委员会 members is required for approval of a proposed amendment.  就拟议修正案进行表决 可以通过电子方式进行.   
