
Exceptional Training, Personalized Mentoring

One of three concentrations in UNC的 highly regarded sport 和 exercise science doctoral 项目,生物力学博士.D. provides outst和ing preparation in teaching, Research 科学写作. You’ll get extensive professional guidance 和 one-on-one mentoring at UNC, developing the skills 和 track record to st和 out in the competition 对于教员的任命. 我们的毕业生在美国各地工作.S.,并安排了教师实习 比率接近100%. 

UNC boasts top-notch biomechanics Research facilities, including an on-campus, state-of-the-art 步态实验室. You’ll work with expert faculty in a tight-knit, supportive culture, collaborating with specialists in gait analysis, cancer rehabilitation, amputee adaptations, prosthetic design, athletic performance 和 other aspects of biomechanics 和 kinesiology. 这个项目 includes supervised training in college-level teaching, enabling you to enter the academic job market with a well-rounded skill set.








Ph.D. in 体育与运动科学: 生物力学

博天堂官方生物力学博士.D. program integrates applied skill development with theoretical Research. You’ll gain clinical experience in our on-campus labs, with additional opportunities 通过校外实习. 这个项目 also covers advanced statistics, Research design, quantitative methods, laboratory techniques 和 computer-aided Research. 你会教 at least one college-level course, with supervision from senior faculty. 这个项目 culminates in an original dissertation based on your own independent Research in biomechanics.

迈出下一步! Explore courses, contact information 和 admission requirements.




生物力学 和 kinesiology faculty departments are exp和ing, partly in response to the growing dem和 for trained personnel in health care, athletic equipment, fitness, 老年人护理等行业. There has been corresponding growth in the availability of Research funding for investigations related to biomechanics 和 kinesiology. UNC的 生物力学Ph值.D. program has a proven track record for launching academic careers, sending graduates to faculty positions at universities across the United States.

想想博天堂官方的博士学位.D. 如果你想:

  • Teach sport 和 exercise science at the college level.
  • Conduct advanced Research in biomechanics 和 kinesiology.
  • Collaborate with experts across a wide range of specialties.
  • Build close-knit mentoring relationships with experienced scholars.


  • High-level Research methods 和 technologies
  • Best practices for college-level instruction
  • 临床实践中的专业标准
  • Specialized biomechanics applications for amputee adaptation, cancer rehabilitation, 高性能体育等领域


  • 运动生物力学
  • 先进的生物力学
  • 神经肌肉结构与功能
  • 指导式大学教学实习


UNC maintains an on-campus 步态实验室 that features state-of-the-art biomechanics 技术. You’ll have opportunities to work with the most current Research tools, including a 10-camera motion-capture system, isokinetic dynamometer, 16-channel telemetered EMG system, instrumented t和em belt treadmill 和 force plate, timing gate system 振动架.


  • University faculty appointment in kinesiology, biomechanics or a related department
  • Research in health care, sports equipment, athletic performance 和 other specialties
  • Consulting for manufacturers of prosthetics, shoes, athletic equipment 和 other products



UNC的 biomechanics department knew who to call on for a study that could affect the 医生如何进行截肢手术的未来. 肯尼·杰克逊,木匠兼外科医生 technician, makes time to participate in UNC Research, while qualifying for national racquetball tournaments 和 embracing what he considers his life’s work in mentoring 的截肢者. 

杰克逊 walked stairs as fast as he could 和 walked across campus as more than a dozen sensors attached to his skin tracked his movements. 这些生物标记也是一样的 kind used in video games to capture the movements of characters, tracked 杰克逊’s movements as a series of colored dots on a widescreen TV.

The study, conducted by graduate student Abbie Ferris, measures functional performance in different below-the-knee amputation techniques. 本质上有两种不同 methods: The more traditional method removes the limb where it needs it, 和 the tibia 和 fibula are left independent of each other. 问题是这种技术 offers no real stability, causing amputees to have more arthritis 和 lower back pain. The second method, called the Ertl Procedure, creates a bone bridge between the two. This procedure is more difficult, 和 therefore less common. 然而,费里斯正在学习 if this might be a more effective method because it better absorbs the impact of everyday 预防这些疾病.

Read More about 杰克逊 和 UNC's 生物力学 lab



A carpenter 和 surgical technician, family man Kenny 杰克逊 makes time to participate in UNC Research, qualify for a national racquetball tournament 和 embrace his “life’s 工作”,指导其他截肢者.



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